Rachel Marie Toczko


Pisces sun

Aries moon

Sag rising

5/1 Splenic Projector

I’ve been writing the allegorical book on overcoming struggle since I was a kid, predominantly the struggle of being at war with myself and my mind. As spirit incarnate, I’ve chosen to, time and time again, venture into the depths of the darkness (within and without) so that I could become well-versed, embodied, and equipped to help others as they navigate the shadow realms of their psyche — the places and spaces within that harbor deep pain, trauma, and suffering.

As I devotedly contemplate my life path of alchemizing victimhood consciousness into a radical sense of freedom, personal empowerment, and responsibility, I open my heart and my door to anyone who knows in the depths of their being that there’s more to this life than the chronic stress and infernal pressure that can often be the norm for so many in this modern world we live in.

Since my spiritual awakening in 2013, as I’ve explored the multiverse of my own inner terrain, I’ve simultaneously been honing my ability to hold space for others to heal themselves — or rather, remember the inherent wholeness of their being.

Conscious and intentional living is the foundation that my life, and work, are built upon. Using my own life lived as an example, I’m here to show you that deep fulfillment and relief from suffering are available for you when you learn to dance and play with life, rather than fight and argue with it.

I see a world where all souls awaken to the magnificent truth of their being, and fall in love with all of their life. Yes, all of it.

 All that you seek is within yourself

my message to you:

It’s my intention to help you reconnect with your own inner guidance system (the OG GPS) in such a profound way, that you remember you don’t need anyone or anything outside of yourself to give you the satisfaction or sense of fulfillment that you so deeply desire.

You’re the answer to your question first;

You’re the source of your own happiness, inner peace, and fulfillment first;

And then your relationships and experience of life overall follow suit — inviting in more authentic + meaningful connections with others, a sense of purpose infused into everything you do (whether your gifting the world with that special thing only you can do that way, or you’re washing the dishes), and more presence and inner peace that keeps you grounded in your own energy no matter what life sends your way.

Your inner being led you here so that I could have the honor of reminding you of these things.

And you bet your sweet booty that I’m receiving just as much from you as you are from me — that’s the inherent beauty of the energetic exchanges taking place at all times. So thank you for all that you are, sweetheart!

Mentorship · Breathwork · Energy Medicine · Adaptogenic Sound + Cacao Ceremony


I’m working with some mystical fire-water elementals that allow me to be fiercely honest, genuinely compassionate, and deeply intuitive.

My gifts are predominantly energetic. As we engage in heart-led conversation, I can easily feel you and identify the underlying themes and “roots” of what you’re sharing — offering questions and prompts for you to receive your own insights and realizations.

I will be the gentle, loving, divine momma expression that holds sacred space for you as you process what arises.

I will be the feisty and direct sister who keeps it real with you and is not willing to see you sell yourself short.

I’ll be whatever the moment instructs me to be that is in support of your level of readiness and availability in each moment that we speak.

We can take our time and tread lightly, if that’s what feels most safe and aligned for you.

We can cut through the fluff and go deep, and we can go there fast, if that’s what the eager fire in your soul desires.



I don’t do small talk.

I’m not here to talk about the weather.

I wanna know your deepest desires for your life, what sets your soul on fire, what breaks your heart into a million pieces, I wanna know where you’ve been and where you’re going.

I want to see into the vast depths of your being and sit with you in sacred ceremony.

I want to know all of the parts of you that you’ve shunned or cast away and welcome them into the light of unconditional love.

I want to hold you when you cry and celebrate you for every courageous victory.

I want to call forward and draw out the part of you that remembers what you are.

I want you to see what I see — the perfection and wholeness of your being exactly as you are.


full-time student at the school of life since 1985

  • My voice is my first instrument, and song, my first language (I came out the womb singin’!) My Scorpio south node had me in ALL the feels as a youngster and I channeled that depth of emotion into my music — which you can sample here.

  • Speaking of my Scorpio SN…victimhood mentality, addiction to dark comforts, and masterful escapism were the tonality of my tumultuous teenage years and 20s up until the huge wake-up call I had in 2011. 🚨

  • Was always very intuitive and tapped into my spiritual essence (Pisces vibes) but it wasn’t until my Saturn Return in 2013 that I experienced my first major spiritual awakening — and the shift was palpable #newbeginning

  • That same year, as I deepened in my own personal healing process, I began studying energy medicine and became Reiki I + II attuned.

  • My energy healing practice organically evolved to begin incorporating sound as a form of medicine, and I began developing my own unique signature of energy work.

  • Studied with World-Renowned Sound Healer Jonathon Goldman. At this time, I was also introduced to the ceremonial use of cacao and instantly fell in love with its incredible, near-magical, power to evoke energetic and emotional release and supercharge the miraculous healing powers of heart-centered consciousness.

  • Left my shoe-box apartment on Venice Beach in 2014 to travel internationally to Australia and the sacred sites of Egypt, and after attending a life-changing Ayahuasca journey in the Sacred Valley of Peru I ended up living there for the following 3 and a half years. During that time, while working with others and exploring my own inner terrain, I honed in on the art of holding space for healing and ceremony.

  • Returned to the States in 2018 and spent the last 6 years learning how to embody and put to practical application the profound realizations that I experienced during my Andean hermitage.

Today, I feel powerfully moved to share my life experience, my soul-calling, and my deep devotion to the path of spiritual awakening in service to others and the world at large.


It would be my greatest honor to hold space for you.

Click below to set up your free clarity call so we can create a custom self-healing container just for you.